Source code for mttime.core.configure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-3.0)
# LLNL-CODE-814839
# author: Andrea Chiang (
Set global mttime configuration

.. rubric:: Example

.. code-block:: python

   >>> import mttime
   >>> # read input file
   >>> config = mttime.Configure(path_to_file="")


import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class Configure(object): """ Configure object for :class:`~mttime.core.inversion.Inversion` Sets up the moment tensor inverse routine. ``**kwargs`` can be provided either in ``path_to_file`` or during class instantiation. ``df`` and ``depth`` are required if not reading from a file. ``**kwargs`` will override the values in ``path_to_file`` and any missing keyword arguments will be set to their default values. :param path_to_file: path to input file containing headers and station information. Input file should be located in the project root directory. :type path_to_file: str :param df: station table, required if ``path_to_file=None``. :type df: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` :param datetime: event origin time. :type datetime: str, optional :param longitude: event longitude. :type longitude: float, optional :param latitude: event latitude. :type latitude: float, optional :param depth: source depths to invert, required if ``path_to_file=None`` :type depth: float, int, list :param path_to_data: path to data files, relative to root directory. Defaults is ``"."``. :type path_to_data: str :param path_to_green: path to Green's function files, relative to root directory. Default is ``"."``. :type path_to_green: str :param green: Green's function format, options are ``"herrmann"`` or ``"tensor"``. Default is ``"herrmann"``. :type green: str :param components: waveform components, options are ``"Z"`` for vertical component, or ``"ZRT"`` for three-component data in vertical, radial and transverse components, and ``"ZNE"`` for vertical, north and east. Default is ``"ZRT"``. :type components: str :param degree: degrees of freedom allowed in the inversion, options are ``5`` for deviatoric or ``6`` for full. Default is ``5``. :type degree: int :param weight: data weights, options are ``"none"``, ``"distance"`` or ``"variance"`` for no weights, inverse distance, or inverse variance, respectively. Default is ``"none"``. :type weight: str :param plot: If ``True`` will plot the solution and waveform fits. Default is ``False``. :type plot: int, bool :param correlate: Flag to cross-correlate data and Green's functions for best time shift (in time points). Default is ``False``. :type correlate: int, bool """ # keyword argument types _types = {"datetime": str, "longitude": float, "latitude": float, "depth": str, # if read from file "path_to_data": str, "path_to_green": str, "green": str, "components": str, "degree": int, "weight": str, "plot": int, "correlate": int } # station table dtypes _df_dtypes = {"station": str, "distance": np.float, "azimuth": np.float, "ts":, "npts":, "dt": np.float, "used": str, "longitude": np.float, "latitude": np.float, "filter": str, # optional "nc":, "np":, "lcrn": np.float, "hcrn": np.float, "model": str } def __init__(self, path_to_file=None, df=None, **kwargs): # Read keywords from file first if path_to_file is None: header = {} if df is None: raise ValueError("'df' value is missing.") if kwargs.get("depth") is None: raise ValueError("'depth' value is missing.") file = df else: header = self._read(path_to_file, self._types) file = path_to_file # Override parameters from file if provided kwargs during class instantiation # then set class attributes self._set_attributes(header, **kwargs) # Read station table self._update_table_index(file) @staticmethod def _read(path_to_file, types): """ Read inversion parameters from a text file. Parse input text file to a python dictionary and returns the python dictionary. :param path_to_file: file to read :type path_to_file: str :param types: keyword arguments :type types: dict :return: a dictionary of parameters for a single :class:`~mttime.core.configure.Configure` object :rtype: dict """ # Check file path_to_file = os.path.abspath(path_to_file) if not isinstance(path_to_file, str): raise TypeError("File name must be a string.\n") try: with open(path_to_file): pass except IOError: print("Cannot open '%s'" % path_to_file) # Read keyword arguments from file header = {} with open(path_to_file, "r") as f: for key, parse in types.items(): try: header[key] = parse(next(f).split()[1]) except IndexError: msg = "'%s' missing in %s." % (key, path_to_file) warnings.warn(msg) continue if "depth" in header: header["depth"] = [float(depth) for depth in header["depth"].split(",") if depth] # project root directory home = path_to_file.rsplit("/", 1) if len(home) > 1: home = home[0] else: home = "." header["path_to_data"] = os.path.abspath( "/".join([home, header["path_to_data"]]) ) header["path_to_green"] = os.path.abspath( "/".join([home, header["path_to_green"]]) ) return header
[docs] def write(self, fileout="config.out"): """ Function to write inversion configuration to a file Write inverse routine parameters and station table to a file. :param fileout: output file name. Default is ``"config.out"``. :type fileout: str .. rubric:: Example .. code-block:: python >>> config = Configure() >>> config.write(fileout="configure.out") """ with open(fileout, "w") as f: f.write(self.__str__())
def _set_attributes(self, header, **kwargs): """ Set class attributes :param header: a dictionary of parameters :type header: dict :param kwargs: inputs from console ;type kwargs: dict """ # Over-ride parameters and set type for key, parse in self._types.items(): if key in kwargs: if key != "depth": kwargs[key] = parse(kwargs[key]) else: try: kwargs[key] = header[key] except KeyError: continue # Optional event attribute event = dict() event["datetime"] = kwargs.get("datetime","") event["longitude"] = kwargs.get("longitude",np.nan) event["latitude"] = kwargs.get("latitude",np.nan) self.event = event # Required attributes self.depth = [] self._set_depth(kwargs["depth"]) self.path_to_data = os.path.abspath(kwargs.get("path_to_data", ".")) self.path_to_green = os.path.abspath(kwargs.get("path_to_green", ".")) kwargs["green"] = kwargs.get("green", "herrmann") if kwargs["green"].lower() not in ("herrmann", "tensor"): raise ValueError("green not supported.") = kwargs["green"].lower() kwargs["components"] = kwargs.get("components", "ZRT") if any(c == kwargs["components"].upper() for c in ("Z", "ZRT", "ZNE")): self.components = list(kwargs["components"].upper()) else: raise ValueError("components not supported.") = kwargs.get("degree", 5) kwargs["weight"] = kwargs.get("weight", "none") if kwargs["weight"].lower() not in ("none", "distance", "variance"): raise ValueError("weight not supported.") self.weight = kwargs["weight"].lower() self.plot = bool(kwargs.get("plot", False)) self.correlate = bool(kwargs.get("correlate", False)) # Additional attributes self.inversion_type = {5: "Deviatoric", 6: "Full"}[] def _set_depth(self, depth): """ Set depths :param depth: source depths to invert :type depth: float, int, list of float/ints :return: """ if isinstance(depth, (int, float)): self.depth = [depth] elif isinstance(depth, list): if len(depth) < 1: msg = "Depth is empty." raise IndexError(msg) for _i in depth: # Make sure each item in the list is a number. if not isinstance(_i, (int, float)): msg = "Depth must be a list of numbers." raise TypeError(msg) self.depth = depth else: msg = "Depth must be a number or a list of numbers." raise TypeError(msg) def _update_table_index(self, file): """ Constructs the station table from input file :param file: path to input file or pandas DataFrame object containing headers and station information :type file: str or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` """ # Read station table if isinstance(file, str): df = pd.read_table(file, sep=r"\s+", dtype=self._df_dtypes, skiprows=12) elif isinstance(file, pd.DataFrame): df = file else: msg = "'file' is not supported." raise TypeError(msg) self.nsta = len(df.index) self.ncomp = len(self.components) # Components to invert df_col = df["used"].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(list(x))) if len(df_col.columns) < self.ncomp: df_col = pd.concat([df_col] * (self.ncomp), axis=1, ignore_index=True) else: df_col = df_col.iloc[:, [i for i in range(self.ncomp)]] df_col.columns = self.components location = 6 for component in self.components: df.insert(loc=location, column=component, value=df_col[component]) df[component].fillna(df.Z, inplace=True) location += 1 df.drop(columns="used", axis=1, inplace=True) df[self.components] = df[self.components].astype( # Indexing linear equations index2 = np.cumsum(np.repeat(df.npts.to_numpy(), self.ncomp), index1 = np.zeros(index2.shape, index1[1::] = index2[0:-1] self.index1 = index1.reshape(self.nsta, self.ncomp) self.index2 = index2.reshape(self.nsta, self.ncomp) self.station_table = df def __str__(self): keys = ("event", "depth", "green", "components", "degree", "weight", "plot", "correlate" ) f = "{0:>12}: {1}\n" ret = "".join([f.format(key, str(getattr(self, key))) for key in keys]) ret = "\n".join( [ret, "| STATION TABLE |", self.station_table.to_string(float_format="{:.2f}".format, index=False), ] ) return ret def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))