Source code for mttime.core.inversion

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-3.0)
# LLNL-CODE-814839
# author: Andrea Chiang (
Time domain moment tensor inverse routines

.. rubric:: Example

.. code-block:: python

    >>> config = mttime.Configure(path_to_file="examples/synthetic/")
    >>> tdmt = mttime.Inversion(config=config)
    >>> print(tdmt)
         event: {'datetime': '2019-07-16T20:10:31.473', 'longitude': -121.757, 'latitude': 37.8187}
         depth: [10.0, 20.0]
         green: herrmann
    components: ['Z', 'R', 'T']
        degree: 5
        weight: distance
          plot: False
     correlate: False
        station  distance  azimuth  ts  npts   dt  Z  R  T  longitude  latitude filter  nc  np  lcrn  hcrn model
     BK.FARB.00    110.00   263.00  30   100 1.00  0  0  0    -123.00     37.70     bp   2   2  0.05  0.10  gil7
      BK.SAO.00    120.00   167.00  30   150 1.00  0  0  1    -121.45     36.76     bp   2   2  0.05  0.10  gil7
      BK.CMB.00    123.00    78.00  30   150 1.00  0  0  0    -120.39     38.03     bp   2   2  0.05  0.10  gil7
     BK.MNRC.00    132.00   333.00  30   150 1.00  1  1  1    -122.44     38.88     bp   2   2  0.05  0.10  gil7
    >>> tdmt.invert()
    Deviatoric Moment Tensor Inversion
    Depth = 10.0000 km
    Mw = 3.97
    Percent DC/CLVD/ISO = 100/0/0
    VR = 100.00%%

    Deviatoric Moment Tensor Inversion
    Depth = 20.0000 km
    Mw = 4.25
    Percent DC/CLVD/ISO = 62/38/0
    VR = 87.05%%

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import read, Stream

from mttime.core import utils
from mttime.core.tensor import Tensor

[docs]class Inversion(object): """ A container for a single inverse routine Object contains the inversion parameters, data and synthetic files, and moment tensor solutions. :param config: object containing the necessary parameters for setting up the inverse routine :type config: :class:`~mttime.core.configure.Configure` :var streams: processed waveform data. :vartype streams: a list of :class:`` :var moment_tensors: moment tensor solutions. :vartype moment_tensors: a list of :class:`~mttime.core.tensor.Tensor` :var preferred_tensor_id: index to the preferred moment tensor solution (maximum variance reduction). :vartype preferred_tensor_id: int """ def __init__(self, config=None): """ Construct necessary attributes for the Inversion object. """ if config is None: msg = "Inversion object missing keyword argument: 'config'" raise ValueError(msg) self.config = deepcopy(config) self.streams = None # a list of data streams self.moment_tensors = None self.preferred_tensor_id = None def _load_data(self): """ Function to read binary SAC data Reads binary SAC data into a list of :class:`` objects, and assigns the list to the attribute ``streams``. """ files = self.config.path_to_data + "/" + self.config.station_table.station.values streams = [Stream() for _ in files] for st, file in zip(streams,files): for component in self.config.components: st.append(read("%s.%s.dat" % (file, component), format="SAC")[0]) self.streams = streams
[docs] def invert(self, show=False): """ Launch the inversion Will perform multiple inversions if more than one source depth provided, and plot the results if attribute ``config.plot=True`` """ self._load_data() self.config.station_table.insert(loc=6+self.config.ncomp, column="weights", value=None) tensors = [] for _depth in self.config.depth: self._single_inversion(_depth,tensors) # Get preferred moment tensor solution if len(tensors): vr = [mt.total_VR for mt in tensors] self.preferred_tensor_id = np.argmax(vr) # Save all solutions self.moment_tensors = tensors if self.config.plot: self.plot(view="waveform", show=show) if len(self.config.depth) > 1: self.plot(view="depth", show=show) self._cleanup()
def _single_inversion(self, depth, tensors): """ Performs a single inversion Performs a single moment tensor inversion and appends the solution to parameter ``tensors``. :param depth: source depth :type depth: int, float :param tensors: moment tensor solutions :type tensors: list :return: """ self._load_green(depth) if self.config.correlate: self._correlate() self._data_to_d() self._weights() ind = self.w != 0 d = self.d[ind] G = self.G[ind, :] w = self.w[ind] Gt = (G).transpose() Gtd =,, d)) GtG =,, G)) # Compute the inverse GtGinv a = utils.gaussj(GtG, Gtd) m = self._a2m(a) # Variance reduction Gm =, a) dGm = (self.d - Gm)**2 dd = self.d**2 wsum = np.sum(self.w) var = np.sum(dGm*self.w) / wsum dvar = np.sum(dd*self.w) / wsum var /= dvar total_VR = (1 - var)*100 # Station VR (unweighted) masked =,0) # only compute misfit for components included in the inversion dGm = masked * dGm dd = masked * dd station_VR = np.zeros((self.config.nsta,), dtype=np.float) for i in range(self.config.nsta): b = self.config.index1[i, 0] e = self.config.index2[i, -1] var = dGm[b:e] dvar = dd[b:e] var = np.sum(var)/np.sum(dvar) station_VR[i] = (1 - var) * 100 # Save solution #kwargs = dict(depth=depth, # components=self.config.components.copy(), # ts=self.config.station_table.ts.values.copy(), # weights=self.config.station_table.weights.values.copy(), # station_VR=station_VR, # total_VR=total_VR # ) kwargs = dict( depth=depth, inversion_type=self.config.inversion_type, components=self.config.components, station_VR=station_VR, total_VR=total_VR, station_table=self.config.station_table, ) # Reshape for plotting dd, ss = self._reshape_d_Gm(Gm) kwargs.update(dd=dd, ss=ss) mt = Tensor(m*1e20, **kwargs) # Green's functions are in 1e20 dyne-cm mt.decompose() stdout = mt._get_summary() print(stdout) # print brief summary tensors.append(mt) def _load_green(self, depth): """ Read the Green's function library Green's function at specified depth is assigned to attribute ``G``. :param depth: source depth :type depth: int or float """ options = {"herrmann": ["_green_herrmann", ("SS", "DS", "DD", "EX")], "tensor": ["_green_tensor", ("xx", "yy", "zz", "xy", "xz", "yz")], } method = options[][0] bases = options[][1] files = self.config.path_to_green + "/" + self.config.station_table.station + "." + "%.4f" % depth # Call function based on GF format call_green_function = getattr(self, method) call_green_function(bases, files) def _green_tensor(self, bases, files): """ Function to read Green's function in tensor format Construct elementary Green's functions from tensor elements following the formulation of Kikuchi and Kanamori, (1991). :param bases: the six basis Green's functions xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz. :type bases: str :param files: basis Green's functions (synthetics) in SAC format. :type files: str """ #cbases = ["".join([c, basis]) for c in self.config.components for basis in bases] npts = self.config.station_table.npts.values G = np.zeros((np.sum(self.config.ncomp * npts), # G in d = Gm for index, file in enumerate(files): for i, c in enumerate(self.config.components): gg = np.zeros((npts[index], len(bases))) for j, basis in enumerate(bases): gg[:, j] = read("%s.%s%s" % (file, c, basis), format="SAC")[0].data[0:npts[index]] b = self.config.index1[index] e = self.config.index2[index] G[b[i]:e[i], 0] = gg[:, 3] G[b[i]:e[i], 1] = gg[:, 0] - gg[:, 1] G[b[i]:e[i], 2] = gg[:, 5] G[b[i]:e[i], 3] = gg[:, 4] G[b[i]:e[i], 4] = -gg[:, 0] + gg[:, 2] if == 6: G[b[i]:e[i], 5] = gg[:, 0] + gg[:, 1] + gg[:, 2] self.G = G def _green_herrmann(self, bases, files): """ Function to read Green's function in Herrmann format A function that relates the Green's functions in the formulation of Herrmann and Wang (1985) to a moment tensor source. :param bases: the four fundamental Green's function types SS, DS, DD, EX. :type bases: str :param files: basis Green's functions (synthetics) in SAC format. :type files: str """ # cbases order: # 0='ZSS', 1='ZDS', 2='ZDD', 3='ZEX' # 4='RSS', 5='RDS', 6='RDD', 7='REX' # 8='TSS', 9='TDS' if self.config.ncomp == 3: components = ["Z","R","T"] elif self.config.ncomp ==1 : components = ["Z"] cbases = ["".join([c, basis]) for c in components for basis in bases] # Remove zero value components try: cbases.remove("TDD") cbases.remove("TEX") except IndexError as e: print(e) # Read synthetics # Construct Green's function vector using equations 6, 7 and 8f rom Minson and Dreger, 2008 (GJI) # Some signs are flipped to match sign convention of basis Green's functions from RB Herrmann 2002, # Appendix B of Computer Programs in Seismology. # npts = self.config.station_table.npts.values azimuth = self.config.station_table["azimuth"] * (np.pi / 180) # azimuth in radians G = np.zeros((np.sum(self.config.ncomp * npts), # G in d = Gm for index, file in enumerate(files): gg = np.zeros((npts[index], len(cbases))) for j, basis in enumerate(cbases): gg[:, j] = read("%s.%s" % (file, basis), format="SAC")[0].data[0:npts[index]] # Transform to G alpha = azimuth[index] b = self.config.index1[index] e = self.config.index2[index] # Vertical component G[b[0]:e[0], 1] = gg[:, 0] * np.sin(2 * alpha) # mxy G[b[0]:e[0], 2] = gg[:, 1] * np.cos(alpha) # mxz G[b[0]:e[0], 4] = gg[:, 1] * np.sin(alpha) # myz if == 5: G[b[0]:e[0], 0] = 0.5 * gg[:, 0] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.5 * gg[:, 2] # mxx G[b[0]:e[0], 3] = -0.5 * gg[:, 0] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.5 * gg[:, 2] # myy elif == 6: G[b[0]:e[0], 0] = (0.5 * gg[:, 0] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.166667 * gg[:, 2] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 3]) # mxx G[b[0]:e[0], 3] = ( -0.5 * gg[:, 0] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.166667 * gg[:, 2] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 3]) # myy G[b[0]:e[0], 5] = 0.33333 * gg[:, 2] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 3] # mzz # Horizontal components if self.config.ncomp > 1: # mxy G[b[1]:e[1], 1] = gg[:, 4] * np.sin(2 * alpha) G[b[2]:e[2], 1] = -gg[:, 8] * np.cos(2 * alpha) # mxz G[b[1]:e[1], 2] = gg[:, 5] * np.cos(alpha) G[b[2]:e[2], 2] = gg[:, 9] * np.sin(alpha) # myz G[b[1]:e[1], 4] = gg[:, 5] * np.sin(alpha) G[b[2]:e[2], 4] = -gg[:, 9] * np.cos(alpha) # myz G[b[2]:e[2], 0] = 0.5 * gg[:, 8] * np.sin(2 * alpha) # mxx G[b[2]:e[2], 3] = -0.5 * gg[:, 8] * np.sin(2 * alpha) # myy if == 5: G[b[1]:e[1], 0] = 0.5 * gg[:, 4] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.5 * gg[:, 6] # mxx G[b[1]:e[1], 3] = -0.5 * gg[:, 4] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.5 * gg[:, 6] # myy elif == 6: G[b[1]:e[1], 0] = 0.5 * gg[:, 4] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.166667 * gg[:, 6] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 7] G[b[1]:e[1], 3] = -0.5 * gg[:, 4] * np.cos(2 * alpha) - 0.166667 * gg[:, 6] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 7] G[b[1]:e[1], 5] = 0.33333 * gg[:, 6] + 0.33333 * gg[:, 7] # mzz self.G = G if ''.join(self.config.components) == "ZNE": self._rotate_rt_to_ne() def _rotate_rt_to_ne(self): """ Rotate horizontal component Green's functions """ for i in range(self.config.nsta): rad_start = self.config.index1[i, 1] rad_end = self.config.index2[i, 1] tan_start = self.config.index1[i, 2] tan_end = self.config.index2[i, 2] r = self.G[rad_start:rad_end] t = self.G[tan_start:tan_end] n, e = utils.rotate_rt2ne(r, t, self.config.station_table.azimuth[i]) self.G[rad_start:rad_end] = n self.G[tan_start:tan_end] = e @staticmethod def _save_fundamental_fault_types(syn, gg, b, e, degree, ncomp): for i in range(ncomp): syn[b[i]:e[i], 0] = gg[:, 4 * i] # 0:ZSS, 4:RSS, 8:TSS syn[b[i]:e[i], 1] = gg[:, 4 * i + 1] # 1:ZDS, 5:RDS, 9:TDS if i < 2: syn[b[i]:e[i], 2] = gg[:, 4 * i + 2] # 2:ZDD, 6:RDD if degree == 6: syn[b[i]:e[i], 3] = gg[:, 4 * i + 3] # 3:ZEX, 7:REX def _correlate(self, abs_max=True): # cross-correlate data and Green's functions for best time shift (in samples) lenc = self.streams[0][0].stats.npts - self.config.station_table.npts.values + 1 ts = self.config.station_table.ts.values for index in range(self.config.nsta): b = self.config.index1[index] e = self.config.index2[index] corr = 0. for j in range( c3 = np.zeros(lenc[index]) for i, component in enumerate(self.config.components): c = utils.xcorr(self.streams[index].select(component=component)[0].data, self.G[b[i]:e[i], j]) c3 += c c3 /= self.config.ncomp position = np.argmax(np.abs(c3) if abs_max else c3) value = np.abs(c3[position]) # Update time shift if value > corr: corr = value shift = position ts[index] = shift print("Data and Green's functions xcorr:") print(self.config.station_table[["station", "ts"]]) def _data_to_d(self): # construct data vector according to time shift and sample size d = np.zeros(np.sum(self.config.ncomp * self.config.station_table.npts.values), dtype=np.float) obs_b = self.config.station_table.ts.values obs_e = obs_b + self.config.station_table.npts.values for i in range(self.config.nsta): b = self.config.index1[i] e = self.config.index2[i] for d_b, d_e, component in zip(b, e, self.config.components): d[d_b:d_e] = self.streams[i].select(component=component)[0].data[obs_b[i]:obs_e[i]] self.d = d def _weights(self): # Compute weights if self.config.weight == "none": weights = 1 elif self.config.weight == "distance": weights = self.config.station_table.distance / np.min(self.config.station_table.distance) elif self.config.weight == "variance": wei = np.zeros((self.config.nsta,)) for i in range(self.config.nsta): b = self.config.index1[i, 0] e = self.config.index2[i, -1] wei[i] = 1 / np.sum(self.d[b:e] ** 2) weights = wei / np.sum(wei) self.config.station_table.weights = weights w = self.config.station_table[list(self.config.components)].mul(self.config.station_table.weights, axis=0).to_numpy() w = np.repeat(w, np.repeat(self.config.station_table.npts.to_numpy(), self.config.ncomp)) self.w = w def _a2m(self, a): """ aij coefficients to moment tensor elements """ # Output order: Mxx, Myy, Mzz, Mxy, Mxz, Myz m = np.zeros((6,),dtype=np.float) if == "tensor": m[3] = a[0] m[4] = a[3] m[5] = a[2] if == 6: m[0] = a[1] - a[4] + a[5] m[1] = -a[1] + a[5] m[2] = a[4] + a[5] elif == 5: m[0] = a[1] - a[4] m[1] = -a[1] m[2] = a[4] elif == "herrmann": m[0] = a[0] m[1] = a[3] m[3] = a[1] m[4] = a[2] m[5] = a[4] if == 6: m[2] = a[5] elif == 5: m[2] = -(a[0] + a[3]) return m def _reshape_d_Gm(self, Gm): npts = self.config.station_table.npts.values dd = [None for _ in npts] ss = [None for _ in npts] for i in range(self.config.nsta): dd[i] = np.reshape(self.d[self.config.index1[i, 0]:self.config.index2[i, -1]], (self.config.ncomp, npts[i])).T ss[i] = np.reshape(Gm[self.config.index1[i, 0]:self.config.index2[i, -1]], (self.config.ncomp, npts[i])).T return dd, ss
[docs] def get_preferred_tensor(self): """ Returns the preferred moment tensor solution A function that returns the solution with the highest variance reduction (goodness-of-fit between data and synthetic waveforms). :return: the preferred moment tensor solution. :rtype: a :class:`~mttime.core.tensor.Tensor` object. """ if self.preferred_tensor_id is None: return None return self.moment_tensors[self.preferred_tensor_id]
[docs] def write(self, option=None): """ Write inversion results to file Save all solutions or only the preferred solution to file. The output file name format is ``d[depth].mtinv.out``. :param option: option to write all solutions or only the preferred solution. Default is ``None``. If set to ``preferred`` only the solution with the highest VR will be saved. :type option: str """ # Write Configure object to file # self.config.write() # Write detailed moment tensor solution to a text file if option == "preferred": self.get_preferred_tensor().write() else: for tensor in self.moment_tensors: tensor.write()
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot inversion results Various options available to display the results. :param view: type of figure to produce. Default ``waveform`` creates the standard figure with focal mechanisms and waveform fits. ``depth`` shows the focal mechanism and moment magnitude as a function of depth. ``map`` plots stations and focal mechanisms in map view. ``lune`` plots the moment tensor source-type on a lune. :type view: str :param show: If ``True`` will display figure after plotting and not save image to file, default is ``False``. :type show: bool :param format: figure file format, default is ``"eps"``. :type format: str :param option: Optional parameter if view is set to ``waveform``. The default plots all solutions. Set to ``preferred`` to plot only the preferred solution. :type option: str, optional """ view = kwargs.get("view", "waveform") show = kwargs.get("show", False) format = kwargs.get("format","eps") if view == "waveform": option = kwargs.get("option", None) from mttime.imaging.source import plot_waveform_fits if option == "preferred": tensors = [self.get_preferred_tensor()] else: tensors = self.moment_tensors for tensor in tensors: plot_waveform_fits(tensor, show, format) elif view == "map": if self.config.event is None: print("Event origin is missing, cannot plot in map view.") else: from mttime.imaging.source import beach_map m = self.get_preferred_tensor().m args = ( self.config.event, self.config.station_table.longitude.values, self.config.station_table.latitude.values, self.config.station_table.distance.values, self.config.station_table[self.config.components].sum(axis=1).astype(bool).values, show, format, ) beach_map(m, *args) elif view == "depth": from mttime.imaging.source import beach_mw_depth beach_mw_depth(self.moment_tensors, self.config.event, show, format) elif view == "lune": if != 6: msg = "Full moment tensor is required to generate source-type plot." raise ValueError(msg) from mttime.imaging.source import plot_lune mt = self.get_preferred_tensor() m = mt.m gamma, delta = mt.lune plot_lune(m, gamma, delta, show, format) else: raise KeyError("'view=%s' is not supported."%view)
def _cleanup(self): del self.d del self.w def __str__(self): ret = "\n".join( [self.config.__str__(), "\n| PREFERRED SOLUTION |", self.get_preferred_tensor().__str__()] ) return ret def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))