Source code for mttime.core.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-3.0)
# LLNL-CODE-814839
# author: Andrea Chiang (
Utility functionality for mttime

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import pkg_resources

[docs]def to_int_or_zero(value): """ Converts given value to an integer or returns 0 if it fails. Function taken from :mod:`~obspy.core.util.misc` :param value: arbitrary data type. :return: :rtype: int """ try: return int(value) except ValueError: return 0
[docs]def get_dependency_version(package_name, raw_string=False): """ Get version information of a dependency package. :type package_name: str :param package_name: Name of package to return version info for :returns: Package version as a list of three integers or ``None`` if import fails. With option ``raw_string=True`` returns raw version string instead (or ``None`` if import fails). The last version number can indicate different things like it being a version from the old svn trunk, the latest git repo, some release candidate version, ... If the last number cannot be converted to an integer it will be set to 0. """ try: version_string = pkg_resources.get_distribution(package_name).version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: return [] if raw_string: return version_string version_list = version_string.split("rc")[0].strip("~") version_list = list(map(to_int_or_zero, version_list.split("."))) return version_list
PANDAS_VERSION = get_dependency_version('pandas') OBSPY_VERSION = get_dependency_version('obspy') CARTOPY_VERSION = get_dependency_version('cartopy')
[docs]def xcorr(data,template,normalize=True): """ Compute cross-correlation coefficient :param data: first time series. :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param template: second time series. :type template: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param normalize: If ``True`` normalizes correlations. :type normalize: bool :return: cross-correlation function. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ c = fftconvolve(data,template[::-1],mode="valid") if normalize: lent = len(template) # Zero-padding pad = len(c) - len(data) + lent pad1 = (pad+1) // 2 pad2 = pad // 2 data = np.hstack([np.zeros(pad1,dtype=data.dtype), data, np.zeros(pad2,dtype=data.dtype)]) # Rolling sum window_sum = np.cumsum(data**2) np.subtract(window_sum[lent:],window_sum[:-lent],out=window_sum[:-lent]) norm = window_sum[:-lent] norm *= np.sum(template ** 2) norm = np.sqrt(norm) mask = norm <= np.finfo(float).eps # c[:] = 0 if c.dtype == float: c[~mask] /= norm[~mask] else: c = c/norm c[mask] = 0 return c
[docs]def gaussj(A,b): """ Solves the linear matrix equation Ax = b Computes the solution of a well-determined linear matrix equation by performing Gaussian-Jordan elimination for a given matrix and transforming it to a reduced echelon form. :param A: coefficient matrix. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param b: vector of dependent variables. :type b: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: solution vector x so that Ax = b. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Make a copy to avoid altering input x = np.copy(b) n = len(x) # Gaussian-Jordan elimination for k in range(0,n-1): for i in range(k+1,n): if A[i,k] != 0.0: lam = A[i,k]/A[k,k] A[i,k+1:n] = A[i,k+1:n] - lam*A[k,k+1:n] x[i] = x[i]-lam*x[k] # Back substitution for k in range(n-1,-1,-1): x[k] = (x[k][k,k+1:n],x[k+1:n]))/A[k,k] return x
[docs]def az2baz(angle): """ Azimuth to back-azimuth conversion :param angle: azimuth value in degrees between 0 and 360. :type angle: float or int :return: corresponding back-azimuth value in degrees. :rtype: float """ if 0 <= angle <= 180: new_angle = angle + 180 elif 180 < angle <= 360: new_angle = angle - 180 else: raise ValueError("Input azimuth out of bounds: %s" % angle) return new_angle
[docs]def rotate_rt2ne(r, t, az): """ Rotate to the great circle path. Rotates a pair of horizontal component data from north and east direction to radial and tangential direction. :param r: radial component data. :type r: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param t: tangential component data. :type t: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param az: The direction from a seismic source to the seismic station measured clockwise from north. :type az: float :return: rotated horizontal component data oriented in north and east direction. :rtype: Tuple of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ ba = az2baz(az) ba = np.radians(ba) n = - r * np.cos(ba) + t * np.sin(ba) e = - r * np.sin(ba) - t * np.cos(ba) return n, e
[docs]def RGF_from_SW4(path_to_green=".", t0=0, file_name=None, origin_time=None,event_lat=None,event_lon=None,depth=None, station_name=None,station_lat=None,station_lon=None, output_directory="sw4out"): """ Function to convert reciprocal Green's functions from SW4 to tensor format Reads the reciprocal Green's functions (displacement/unit force) from SW4 and performs the summation to get the Green's function tensor. RGFs from SW4 are oriented north, east and positive down by setting az=0. Assumes the following file structure: f[x,y,z]/station_name/event_name.[x,y,z] :param path_to_green: path to RGFs. :type path_to_green: str :param t0: offset in time (>=0). :type t0: float :param file_name: name of RGF sac files from SW4 (event name). :type file_name: str :param origin_time: event origin time. :param event_lat: event latitude. :type event_lat: float :param event_lon: event longitude :type event_lon: float :param depth: source depth :type depth: float :param station_name: station names. :type station_name: list of strings. :param station_lat: station latitudes. :type station_lat: list of floats :param station_lon: station longitudes. :type station_lon: list of floats :param output_directory: output direcotry. :type output_directory: str """ import os from obspy.core import read, Stream from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth from obspy.core.util.attribdict import AttribDict # Defined variables (do not change) dirs = ["fz","fx","fy"] # directory to displacement per unit force du = ["duxdx","duydy","duzdz","duydx","duxdy","duzdx","duxdz","duzdy","duydz"] orientation = ["Z","N","E"] # set az=0 in SW4 so x=north, y=east cmpaz = [0,0,90] cmpinc = [0,90,90] # Create a new output directory under path_to_green dirout = "%s/%s"%(path_to_green,output_directory) if os.path.exists(dirout): print("Warning: output directory '%s' already exists."%dirout) else: print("Creating output directory '%s'."%dirout) os.mkdir(dirout) # Loop over each directory fx, fy, fz nsta = len(station_name) for i in range(3): # Set headers according to the orientation if dirs[i][-1].upper() == "Z": scale = -1 # change to positive up else: scale = 1 # Loop over each station for j in range(nsta): station = station_name[j] stlo = station_lon[j] stla = station_lat[j] dirin = "%s/%s/%s"%(path_to_green,dirs[i],station) print("Reading RGFs from %s:"%(dirin)) st = Stream() for gradient in du: fname = "%s/%s.%s"%(dirin,file_name,gradient) st += read(fname,format="SAC") # Set station headers starttime = origin_time - t0 dist, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth(event_lat,event_lon,stla,stlo) # SAC headers sacd = AttribDict() sacd.stla = stla sacd.stlo = stlo sacd.evla = event_lat sacd.evlo = event_lon = az sacd.baz = baz sacd.dist = dist/1000 # convert to kilometers sacd.o = 0 sacd.b = -1*t0 sacd.cmpaz = cmpaz[i] sacd.cmpinc = cmpinc[i] sacd.kstnm = station # Update start time for tr in st: tr.stats.starttime = starttime tr.stats.distance = dist tr.stats.back_azimuth = baz # Sum displacement gradients to get reciprocal Green's functions tensor = Stream() for gradient, element in zip(["duxdx","duydy","duzdz"],["XX","YY","ZZ"]): trace =[0].copy() = "%s%s"%(orientation[i],element) tensor += trace trace ="duydx")[0].copy() +="duxdy")[0].data = "%s%s"%(orientation[i],"XY") tensor += trace trace ="duzdx")[0].copy() +="duxdz")[0].data = "%s%s"%(orientation[i],"XZ") tensor += trace trace ="duzdy")[0].copy() +="duydz")[0].data = "%s%s"%(orientation[i],"YZ") tensor += trace # Set sac headers before saving print(" Saving GFs to %s"%dirout) for tr in tensor: tr.trim(origin_time, tr.stats.endtime) = scale* tr.stats.sac = sacd sacout = "%s/%s.%.4f.%s"%(dirout,station,depth, #print("Writing %s to file."%sacout) tr.write(sacout,format="SAC")