Source code for mttime.imaging.source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-3.0)
# LLNL-CODE-814839
# author: Andrea Chiang (
Plotting routines for mttime

.. warning::

   This module should NOT be used directly instead use the class method


import warnings
import numpy as np

from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib import transforms
from matplotlib.path import Path as mpath
from obspy.geodetics.base import kilometers2degrees
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mttime.imaging.beachball import beach
from mttime.imaging import MTTIME_MPLSTYLE

from mttime.core.utils import CARTOPY_VERSION
    import as ccrs
    import cartopy.feature as cfeature
    HAS_CARTOPY = True
    HAS_CARTOPY = False

    msg = "Cartopy is not installed, map plots will not work."

# Figure defaults
mm = 1/25.4 # mm in inches

[docs]def plot_waveform_fits(tensor, show, format, nrows=10): """ Plot waveform fits and focal mechanisms :param tensor: moment tensor solution. :type tensor: :class:`~mttime.core.tensor.Tensor` :param show: display image after plotting instead of saving it to file. :type show: bool :param format: figure file format. :type format: str :param nrows: maximum stations per page. Default is ``10``. :type nrows: int """ # Set page layout nsta = len(tensor.station_table.index) ncols = len(tensor.components) a = nsta / nrows nPages = int(a) + ((int(a) - a) != 0) lst = list(range(0, nsta, nrows)) lst.append(nsta) pages = (range(lst[i], lst[i + 1]) for i in range(nPages)) # Brief summary of inversion annot = tensor._get_summary() # Decompositions to plot if tensor.inversion_type.lower() == "deviatoric": fm_title = ["Deviatoric", "DC", "CLVD"] fm = [tensor._m, tensor.fps[0], tensor.clvd] fm_width = [1, 0.01*tensor.pdc, 0.01*tensor.pclvd] elif tensor.inversion_type.lower() == "full": fm_title = ['Full', 'ISO', 'Deviatoric'] fm = (tensor._m, tensor.iso, fm_width = [1, 0.01*tensor.piso, 0.01*(tensor.pdc+tensor.pclvd)] fm_sign = 1 - 0.25 * fm_width[1], 2.5 - 0.5 * fm_width[2] # Station location around beach ball x = 0.55 * np.sin(tensor.station_table.azimuth * np.pi / 180).values y = 0.55 * np.cos(tensor.station_table.azimuth * np.pi / 180).values tri_color = np.array(np.repeat("0.5",nsta), dtype="<U5") tri_color[tensor.station_table[tensor.components].sum(axis=1) > 0] = "green" # Waveform line colors syntcol = np.empty(tensor.station_table[tensor.components].shape, dtype='<U5') syntcol[tensor.station_table[tensor.components] == 1] = 'green' syntcol[tensor.station_table[tensor.components] == 0] = '0.5' datacol = "black" for page, group in enumerate(pages): f, ax0, ax1 = _new_page(len(group), nrows+1, ncols, tensor.components, annot=annot) # Plot beach balls for i in range(len(fm)): beach1 = beach(fm[i], xy=(i + 0.5 * i, 0), width=fm_width[i], show_iso=True) ax0.add_collection(beach1) ax0.text(i + 0.5 * i, 0.55, fm_title[i], horizontalalignment='center') ax0.text(fm_sign[0], 0, '=', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') ax0.text(fm_sign[1], 0, '+', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') # Plot stations around beach ball for xi,yi,azi,col in zip(x, y, tensor.station_table.azimuth, tri_color): ax0.plot(xi, yi, marker=(3, 0, -1*azi), color=col, zorder=101) # Plot waveforms for i, stat in enumerate(group): t = np.arange( 0, tensor.station_table.npts[stat] * tensor.station_table.dt[stat], tensor.station_table.dt[stat] ) data = tensor._data[stat] synt = tensor._synthetics[stat] ymin = np.min([data, synt]) ymax = np.max([data, synt]) for j in range(len(tensor.components)): ax1[i, j].plot(t, data[:, j], color=datacol, clip_on=False) ax1[i, j].plot(t, synt[:, j], color=syntcol[stat, j], dashes=[6, 2], clip_on=False) ax1[i, j].set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax1[i, j].set_xlim(0, t[-1]) # Set ticks and labels ax1[i, 0].set_yticks([ymin, 0, ymax]) ax1[i, 0].set_yticklabels(["%.2e"% ymin, "0", "%.2e"%ymax]) # Station name, distance and azimuth dist = ("{0:.0f}") dist = dist.format(tensor.station_table.distance[stat]) label = ' '.join( [tensor.station_table.station[stat], r"$\Delta,\theta$=%s,%-.0f"%(dist, tensor.station_table.azimuth[stat])] ) ax1[i, 0].text(0, ymax, label, verticalalignment="bottom") # Sample shift and VR label = "TS,VR=%d,%.0f"%( tensor.station_table.ts[stat], tensor.station_table.VR[stat] ) ax1[i, 1].text(t[-1], ymax, label, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom") # Label last row only for column in range(3): ax1[i, column].set_xlabel("Time [s]") if show: else: outfile = "bbwaves.d%07.4f.%02d.%s" % (tensor.depth, page, format) f.savefig(outfile, format=format, transparent=True) plt.close(f)
[docs]def beach_mw_depth(tensors, event, show, format): """ Plot depth search result A function that plots focal mechanism, variance reduction, and moment magnitude as a function of source depth. :param tensors: moment tensor solutions at various depths. :type tensors: a list of :class:`~mttime.core.tensor.Tensor` :param event: event origin time, longitude and latitude. :type event: dict :param show: display image after plotting instead of saving it to file. :type show: bool :param format: figure file format. :type format: str """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(115*mm, 95*mm)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Axis 1 - variance reduction color1 = "red" ax1.set_xlabel("Depth [km]") ax1.set_ylabel("VR [%]", color=color1) ax1.set_ylim(0, 120) ax1.set_yticks([0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]) ax1.set_yticklabels([0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]) title = "%s | %5.2f %5.2f"%(event["datetime"],event["longitude"],event["latitude"]) ax1.set_title(title) color2 = "mediumblue" ax2 = ax1.twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis ax2.set_ylabel("Mw", color=color2) source_depth = [tensor.depth for tensor in tensors] margin = (max(source_depth)-min(source_depth))/6 # if depth is fixed set margin to 1.0 if margin == 0: margin = 1.0 ax2.set_xlim([min(source_depth)-margin, max(source_depth)+margin]) ax2.set_ylim(0,12) ax2.set_yticks([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) ax2.set_yticklabels([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) # Find solution with highest VR vr = [ _m.total_VR for _m in tensors ] ax1.vlines(tensors[np.argmax(vr)].depth, 0, 100, color="black") for tensor in tensors: ax1.plot(tensor.depth, tensor.total_VR, "o", color=color1) bb = beach(tensor.m, xy=(0,0), facecolor=color1, width=0.25, show_iso=True, ) # Move the beach ball to the right position bb.set_transform(fig.dpi_scale_trans) bb.set_offsets((tensor.depth, tensor.total_VR+10)) bb._transOffset = ax1.transData ax1.add_collection(bb) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color1) ax2.plot(tensor.depth,, "o", color=color2) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color2) if show: else: outfile = "depth.bbmw.%s" % format fig.savefig(outfile, format=format, transparent=True) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def beach_map(m, event, longitude, latitude, distance, used, show, format): """ Plot beach ball on a map Function to plot stations and focal mechanisms on a map. :param m: focal mechanism. :type m: list :param event: event origin time, longitude and latitude. :type event: dict :param longitude: station longitudes. :type longitude: list or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param latitude: station latitudes. :type latitude: list or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param distance: source-receiver distance. :type distance: list or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param used: inverted stations. Sets the station marker colors, ``True`` for green and ``False`` for gray. :type used: list or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param show: display image after plotting instead of saving it to file. :type show: bool :param format: figure file format. :type format: str """ # Calculate image extent based on epicentral distance width = kilometers2degrees(0.5 * max(distance)) height = kilometers2degrees(0.5 * max(distance)) lat1 = min(latitude) - height lat2 = max(latitude) + height lon1 = min(longitude) - width lon2 = max(longitude) + width data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() evlo = event["longitude"] evla = event["latitude"] point = (evlo,evla) #stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen('terrain-background') #projection = projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(95*mm, 115*mm)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=projection) ax.set_extent([lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2], crs=data_crs) # Add terrain #ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, zoom_level) # Add borders and coastline ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE) ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS) # Add tick labels gl = ax.gridlines(crs=data_crs, draw_labels=True) gl.top_labels = False # Plot stations colors = [ "green" if i else "0.5" for i in used] for i in range(len(colors)): ax.plot( longitude[i], latitude[i], marker="^", color=colors[i], transform=data_crs ) # Plot beach ball on map x, y = projection.transform_point(*point, src_crs=data_crs) bb = beach(m, xy=(x, y), facecolor="red", width=0.25, show_iso=True) ax.add_collection(bb) # Add title ax.set_title(event["datetime"]) if show: else: outfile = "map.%s" % format fig.savefig(outfile, format=format, transparent=True) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def plot_lune(m, gamma, delta, show, format): """ Plot source-type on a lune Function to plot moment tensor source type on a lune based on the formulation of Tape and Tape (2012). Theoretical source types and source type arcs are also plotted. :param m: moment tensor. :type m: :param gamma: lune longitude. :type gamma: float :param delta: lune latitude. :type delta: float :param show: display image after plotting instead of saving it to file. :type show: bool :param format: figure file format. :type format: str """ data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() projection = ccrs.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(95*mm, 115*mm)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=projection) # Draw boundary around the lune longitude = np.concatenate([[-30], np.tile(-30, 180), [-30], np.tile(30, 180), [30]]) latitude = np.concatenate([[-90], np.arange(-90, 90, 1), [90], np.arange(90, -90, -1), [-90]]) codes = np.hstack([mpath.MOVETO, [mpath.LINETO] * 180, mpath.MOVETO, [mpath.LINETO] * 180, mpath.MOVETO]) verts = np.column_stack([longitude[::-1], latitude[::-1]]) path = mpath(verts, codes[::-1]) ax.set_boundary(path, transform=data_crs) ax.set_extent([-30, 30, -90, 90], data_crs) # Add gridlines xlocs = np.arange(-30, 30 + 10, 10, ylocs = np.arange(-90, 90 + 10, 10, ax.gridlines(xlocs=xlocs, ylocs=ylocs) # Offset text by mm text_transform = ccrs.PlateCarree()._as_mpl_transform(ax) inches = 1.5 left = transforms.offset_copy(text_transform, fig, units="inches", x=-1*inches*mm) right = transforms.offset_copy(text_transform, fig, units="inches", x=inches*mm) top = transforms.offset_copy(text_transform, fig, units="inches", y=inches*mm) bottom = transforms.offset_copy(text_transform, fig, units="inches", y=-1*inches*mm) # Theoretical sources x = [0, -30, -30, 0, 30, 30, -30, 30, 0] y = [-90, 0, 35.2644, 90, 0, -35.2644, 60.5038, -60.5038, 0] sources = ["-ISO", "+CLVD", "+LVD", "+ISO", "-CLVD", "-LVD", "+Crack", "-Crack", "DC"] offset = [bottom, left, left, top, right, right, left, right, bottom] halign = ["center", "right", "right", "center", "left", "left", "right", "left", "center"] valign = ["top", "center", "center", "bottom", "center", "center", "center", "center", "top"] ax.plot(x, y, "o", color="black", transform=data_crs, clip_on=False, markersize=6) for i in range(len(x)): ax.text(x[i], y[i], sources[i], transform=offset[i], clip_on=False, verticalalignment=valign[i], horizontalalignment=halign[i]) # Source type arc x = [-30.00,-29.20,-28.38,-27.55,-26.71,-25.86,-24.98,-24.10,-23.19, -22.27,-21.34,-20.39,-19.42,-18.43,-17.42,-16.40,-15.35,-14.29, -13.21,-12.10,-10.98, -9.83, -8.67, -7.48, -6.27, -5.04, -3.79, -2.51, -1.22, 0.10, 1.44, 2.79, 4.17, 5.57, 6.99, 8.43, 9.89, 11.36, 12.85, 14.36, 15.88, 17.41, 18.96, 20.51, 22.08, 23.65, 25.24, 26.82, 28.41, 30.00 ] y = [ 35.26, 35.91, 36.55, 37.19, 37.82, 38.44, 39.06, 39.67, 40.27, 40.87, 41.46, 42.04, 42.62, 43.18, 43.74, 44.28, 44.82, 45.35, 45.87, 46.38, 46.88, 47.36, 47.84, 48.30, 48.75, 49.19, 49.61, 50.02, 50.41, 50.80, 51.16, 51.51, 51.85, 52.17, 52.47, 52.75, 53.02, 53.27, 53.50, 53.71, 53.90, 54.08, 54.23, 54.36, 54.48, 54.57, 54.64, 54.69, 54.73, 54.74 ] ax.plot(x, y, "k-", transform=data_crs) x = [-30.00,-28.41,-26.82,-25.24,-23.65,-22.08,-20.51,-18.96,-17.41, -15.88,-14.36,-12.85,-11.36, -9.89, -8.43, -6.99, -5.57, -4.17, -2.79, -1.44, -0.10, 1.22, 2.51, 3.79, 5.04, 6.27, 7.48, 8.67, 9.83, 10.98, 12.10, 13.21, 14.29, 15.35, 16.40, 17.42, 18.43, 19.42, 20.39, 21.34, 22.27, 23.19, 24.10, 24.98, 25.86, 26.71, 27.55, 28.38, 29.20, 30.00 ] y = [-54.74,-54.73,-54.69,-54.64,-54.57,-54.48,-54.36,-54.23,-54.08, -53.90,-53.71,-53.50,-53.27,-53.02,-52.75,-52.47,-52.17,-51.85, -51.51,-51.16,-50.80,-50.41,-50.02,-49.61,-49.19,-48.75,-48.30, -47.84,-47.36,-46.88,-46.38,-45.87,-45.35,-44.82,-44.28,-43.74, -43.18,-42.62,-42.04,-41.46,-40.87,-40.27,-39.67,-39.06,-38.44, -37.82,-37.19,-36.55,-35.91,-35.26 ] ax.plot(x, y, "k-", transform=data_crs) # Plot source-type bb = beach(m, xy=(0,0), facecolor="red", width=0.25, show_iso=True) bb.set_transform(fig.dpi_scale_trans) bb.set_offsets((gamma, delta)) bb._transOffset = ax.transData ax.add_collection(bb) #ax.plot(gamma, delta, "ro", markeredgecolor="k", transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) if show: else: outfile = "lune.%s"%format fig.savefig(outfile, format=format, transparent=True) plt.close(fig)
def _new_page(nsta, nrows, ncols, title, annot=None, offset=2): """ Creates a new figure Creates a new :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` and customizes subplot layout and figure axes. This is the figure layout for plotting focal mechanisms and waveform fits. :param nsta: number of stations to plot. :type nsta: int :param nrows: number of rows to per page. :type nrows: int :param ncols: number of columns per page. :type ncols: int :param title: title for each column. :type title: list of str :param annot: figure annotations. :type annot: str :param offset: offset between waveform traces. :type offset: int or float :return: figure container, axis of the focal mechanism plot, and axes for the waveform traces. :rtype: class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, list """ if annot is None: annot = "" if nsta > nrows: raise ValueError("Maximum number of stations per page is %d." % nrows) gs = GridSpec(nrows + offset, ncols, hspace=0.7, wspace=0.15) f = plt.figure(figsize=(190 * mm, 230 * mm)) # Annotations and beach balls ax0 = f.add_subplot(gs[0:offset, :], xlim=(-5, 3.55), ylim=(-0.75, 0.6), aspect="equal") ax0.text(-5, 0, annot, verticalalignment="center") ax0.set_axis_off() # Waveforms ax1 = np.empty((nsta, 3), dtype=np.object) # create empty axes for i in range(nsta): ax1[i, 0] = f.add_subplot(gs[i + offset, 0]) ax1[i, 1] = f.add_subplot(gs[i + offset, 1]) ax1[i, 2] = f.add_subplot(gs[i + offset, 2]) # Adjust axes for i in range(nsta - 1): _adjust_spines(ax1[i, 0], ["left"]) _adjust_spines(ax1[i, 1], []) _adjust_spines(ax1[i, 2], ["bottom"]) _adjust_spines(ax1[-1, 0], ["left", "bottom"]) _adjust_spines(ax1[-1, 1], ["bottom"]) _adjust_spines(ax1[-1, 2], ["bottom"]) # Title for i in range(ncols): ax1[0, i].set_title(title[i], verticalalignment="bottom", pad=15) return (f, ax0, ax1) def _adjust_spines(ax, spines): """ Adjust axis spine for the standard beach ball/waveform plot Function to customize figure axes. :param ax: the axes instance containing the spine. :type ax: :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` :param spines: spine type. :type spines: list(str) """ ax.tick_params(direction='in') for loc, spine in ax.spines.items(): if loc in spines: spine.set_position(('outward',5)) # outward by 5 points else: spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine # turn off ticks where there is no spine if 'left' in spines: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') else: ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) if 'bottom' in spines: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') else: ax.xaxis.set_ticks([])